Perfect Your Customer Onboarding

With Ascendr’s Project Management Platform, experience Increased RevenueReduce Customer Churn, and Enhanced Customer Satisfaction.

Ascendr Services

How We Help You

Helping B2B software companies to streamline their customer onboarding process via:


Onboarding & Implementation Project Management Platform

⁠⁠Manage projects via your branded portal for full visibility of progress and outcomes 🚀

See Product Features

Onboarding As A Service

Scale quality resource with demand


Onboarding Process Creation And Refinement

Create a consistently amazing experience your clients will love ❤️


The Platform

Ascendr Platform

What’s Included In Your Ascendr Platform?


Custom Templates

Ensure consistency and efficiency in delivery with reusable project templates.


Project Summaries

Keep everyone informed with clear and concise project overviews.


Customer Portal Access

Provide free, easy access for your customers to track their onboarding progress.


Success Criteria

Define and monitor key success metrics to ensure project goals are met.


Tasks and Deliverables

Break projects into manageable deliverables and tasks for streamlined execution.


Education Tracking

Monitor and manage customer training and education throughout the onboarding process.


Invoice Register

Maintain a register of sales invoices raised for clear financial oversight.



Visualise project timelines with straightforward Gantt charts, enhancing planning and communication.

Ascendr Platform

What Benefits Do You Gain?


Smart Insights for Effective Leadership

Instantly spot risks and act decisively. Our platform sharpens your leadership, making every decision precise and informed.


Portal-Powered Onboarding: A Transparent Path to Success

Transform your customer onboarding with our portal: real-time paths, direct engagement, and shared success—all in one place.


Unify Your Onboarding Universe: All Your Needs on One Platform

Simplify your onboarding: all tasks, risks, and tracking unified on one platform. No more juggling tools—just seamless success.


Here’s what our customers say

Yellowfin has been using Ascendr for just a few months, and in that time, just by scratching the surface of Ascendr’s features, the platform has provided incredible value by keeping the team and customers organized through the sales process. This is saving us precious time and reducing risk in the pre and post sales cycle.

Ascendr has been instrumental in revolutionising our customer onboarding process at Tizo. Their tailored solutions have not only streamlined our operations but have also significantly increased customer adoption and retention. With Ascendr’s expertise, we’ve witnessed remarkable results

Partnering with Ascendr has been a game-changer for us. Their custom CTAs have significantly boosted our customer engagement. We now have full visibility into our interactions with clients, making everything smoother and more transparent. It’s been fantastic for improving our customer relationships and efficiency.


Read our latest resources

When it comes to optimising onboarding, we’re to help every step of the way. We’re committed to providing you with all the resources needed to help you provide an amazing customer onboarding experience.

The impact of onboarding challenges (that can be solved)

Customer onboarding is the most critical phase of the customer lifecycle. How many of these challenges do you face as a business?


Early stage churn

Early stage churn in customer onboarding can be caused by a lack of value proposition, poor user experience, or unrealistic customer expectations.


Struggle to upsell

Difficulty in upselling as a result of poor customer onboarding can be caused by a lack of trust, dissatisfaction with the initial onboarding experience, or failure to demonstrate the value of the software.


Damage to reputation

Damage to reputation as a result of poor customer onboarding can be caused by negative feedback, word-of-mouth, or online reviews due to a lack of support, poor communication, or unmet expectations.

Overstretched resources

Strain on resources as a result of poor customer onboarding can be caused by a high volume of support requests, customisation work, or data migration due to insufficient planning, resources, or expertise.


Low team morale

Low staff morale as a result of poor customer onboarding can be caused by the frustration of dealing with dissatisfied customers, burnout from dealing with a high volume of support requests, or feeling unsupported due to a lack of resources or training.


Difficulty to deliver

Difficulty to deliver as a result of poor customer onboarding can be caused by unrealistic customer expectations, incomplete or inaccurate data migration, or a lack of preparedness to address technical issues or customisation requests.

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